
Tuesday 15 April 2014

Meditation - that's all you need!

(includes link to free 21 day meditation series with Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey)

The World Wide Web of Action began, in the UK, in Trafalgar Square, with a meditation. Sitting in a circle, together on the tarmac, those assembled wanted to set the tone of peace, centre their thoughts on what they were creating, connect with others doing it too, calm their nerves, and attract attention. I’m sure it did all that, and more, as meditation is one of the post powerful tools we have to use at this turbulent time. 

At the anti-fracking protest in Balcombe last summer, there was a meditation tent. It got trampled by the thuggish police (anyone want to investigate 'common purpose'?) but I love that it was there, to bring peace, stability and solidarity to the area. Cos that is what it would have done - so great are the powers of meditation. There have been enough tests and testimonies to show it can do many cool things: improve exam results, lower crime in an area, ward off stress, high blood pressure, disease and slow aging. 

Having meditated sporadically for the last 9 or so years, ten minutes in the mornings before my first boy was born (he's 7), a distant memory, in the last couple of years, I've been to three big group meditations, in Trafalgar Square. 

The first one (below) with Tibetan Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, in March 2012, which filled the place with people sitting in silence as he spoke his incredible words of wisdom. A massive range of folk, wrapped up in blankets, sitting on cushions, together, in peace. Afterwards, I walked to the Tube that grinning from ear-to-ear. It felt amazing to bring peace to such a noisy area - and to sense the peace inside me despite the sounds and busyness all around. 

 TRY IT!  

* Why not get a spiritual leader to come and speak at your town hall or community centre. Have a look at this list and see if any are local, or visiting the UK this spring and summer: Watkins bookshop have an excellent list of the top 100 spiritual people every year.   

One, on International Peace Day, 21st September 2012, was a lovely ‘flahmob’ meditation, where we sat in a circle, around a CND sign made of flowers, under trees, in the rain and sang Imagine. It was a much smaller group but a powerful sentiment and message. Being rained on. Bah!


* Anyone up for doing the same on an upcoming significant date in their village green? In a yurt in a field - take a picture and post it.

The third one (pictured at the top) was another brilliant and fairly big 'flash mob' meditation, organised by Wake Up London  a meditation group for 18-30 year olds (although anyone can join in the flashmobs), trying to affect change with meditation. They've done others around the city and should definitely get involved with this Wave, because what they do is powerful and creates such a massive change - in you personally, and in the surrounding area, and world at large.


* Join a regular meditation group, or get others to join in with a flashmob meditation in your local square or school?

Meditation is just so good in countless ways, emotional, personal, global, galactic. It makes you feel calm, at peace, relaxed, chilled, happy, loved, loving, connect to something deeper that goes beyond the surface world, feel the peace within us all, see the peace within us all. It will make you less stressed, give you more time, make you look younger, help you deal with issues, know there is always the present moment where everything feels alright. Makes you breathe. And stop thinking on and on. Lets the mind rest. Gives you more energy. Makes you nicer, kinder, more patient (eventually, I'm hoping). Connects us to each other, something deep inside us, always there. Life Force. Source. The Universe?
And, most of all, it's actually fairly easy. After not that long at all, you'll get to like it, crave it, that time for peace. Given some focus, dedication - but only for ten minutes a day to get started - and willingness to sit with it. That's mostly all it is: sitting. And being. And allowing. Watching the breath, repeating a mantra, simply trains the mind to be still, stop chatting away nonsense, going over the past, worrying about the future.
Then, in the stillness, better ideas arise, creative insight, solutions to problems. You feel connected to the all, us all, so you want to do more for the all, for the good of humanity. You might suddenly want to get into your local allotment; spread the word about meditation or whatever else gives you peace or raises your awareness; helping kids read, giving food to the homeless, dropping spiritual DVDs on park benches for others to watch or screening OCCUPY LOVE in your local cinema . It all contributes to the world, at large, in a positive way. And that's how we've got to make change, by doing what is virtuous and fun (as the previous blogger says). That's not saying that people don't already do this anyway, loads do. We just need more to join in, showing the way forward, living the way out of this mess. 

GET STARTED MEDITATING NOW with this free 21 days finding your flow series of meditations with Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey - . It began yesterday, so get your skates on and sign up. You could even do the first two today to catch up with thousands around the world tuning into it. It will only make you feel good. 




For anyone who’s interested, the astrological influences of this very time – with the lunar eclipse right now, are pretty intense and all point to this wave being big, if we all go for it!

“If we can gain a greater sense and presence in our authentic nature at this time of great calamity in world events, we will want to be able to integrate this sense of self into society so that we can help not only ourselves, but others in need.  It is important at this time to reclaim your sense of Will and the power of your Self not for yourself, not to brag about yourself on social media, but to powerfully make your presence felt so that you will be heard, to put yourself in position to not only listen to others, but to take action on the behalf of others or to serve the needs of others around you in dire straits…
We do not need some outside hero to come rescue us at this time, however- our hero and heroine is inside of us.

And for a lively, always informative, weekly update on planetary influences: check out the amazing Kaypacha on

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